I Tried Renting Clothes for a Month and this is how it Went

About a month ago, Cassidy and I went to the Pop Up Consignment Boutique at National on 10th. It was a fully social-distanced event with tons of great local consignors and vendors. While there, we met Charlotte from Ce Cpace. The three of us got to talking and Charlotte told us about her idea of creating a rental service for the Calgary area where people could rent second-hand and vintage pieces for a period of time and return it later or swap it for something else.

A few days later, I visited her store and picked out a few pieces of my own to try for the month and get the word out about this awesome service.

Here’s what Charlotte has to say about it:

After a ten year career in fast fashion, I knew my care for the planet and it’s people warranted a change. 

Thus,  ‘ce cpace’ was born. The vision is to forge a sustainable and ethical path towards our ideals of what we wear, and how we wear it.

‘ce cpace’ helps answer the question of “how do I create or maintain a social media feed full of “never seen more than once outfits”- sustainability? 

The solution? Fashion rental/subscription. 

Our goal is to “set the trend” in a world of “I can just go buy a new shirt, for a few bucks”. “

Here are my findings from trying out this amazing idea!

The Facts

Here’s how it works:

You visit Charlotte and choose your package*

  • The “Where did you get that?!” Package- 1-4 garment pieces for a $30 deposit. Think job interview, engagement/family photo shoot, or event. The one-time deal- deal. 10-day rental period.

  • The “Green with envy, trendy” Package- 5-10 pieces $40 deposit. Think marketing campaign, staycation, or affordable retail therapy. 20-day rental period.

  • The “Seriously where are you shopping?!insta influencer” package- Up to 20 items, 30-day Rental period. Please reach out for pricing info. Low Monthly fee vs. Buying.

  • The “I need a change!” Package- the ‘ce cpace’ closet overhaul. Unwanted/unused items form your closet are consigned and we create a new to you capsule wardrobe, together.

Wear the clothes, return them, get half of your deposit back! If you want to keep them, your deposit goes towards the purchase.

*packages are subject to change but will always be affordable

Now let’s talk about what I picked up!

The Pieces

I selected 4 pieces to try out for the month. Knowing that I wouldn’t be owning these pieces for the rest of my life, I branched out and tried some pieces that I normally wouldn’t pick.

First, I grabbed this velvet slip dress from Brunette the Label. I have been looking for a slip dress like this that actually fits me and this one fits perfectly.


I’m hoping to keep this piece, which means that Charlotte and I will discuss the price of the item and I’ll buy it from her after the month is up.

Next up, I got this retro pull-over cover-up. It doesn’t have a label but feels like a high-quality piece. Like the other pieces that Charlotte sells, there is little to no wear on them and they feel like they are brand new. I wasn’t 100% sure how I would style this, but I didn’t have to worry because I knew I could return it after a month if it didn’t work out. I do think that I’ll end up purchasing this one as well.


The third piece that I picked up is this peach tank top from free people. While this isn’t a piece that I would wear on an everyday basis, I thought it could be a good piece for the remainder of the need to go into the office on a regular basis for my job. From the waist down, this top is super flattering but I don’t like how it makes my arms look. I will end up returning it now that the month is up. But that’s what’s awesome about this idea! I got to try something and I’m only out $5.


Lastly, I picked up this crochet knit top from Katsumi, which I believe Charlotte said originally came from Mango. This piece is the furthest thing from my comfort zone. I’ve never worn anything like this and would never purchase it in a store. However, since I knew it wouldn’t put me out too much to try it, I added it to purchase. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite fit but I’m glad that I got to try it out at very little cost.


The Results

I would 100% recommend checking out Ce Cpace and Charlotte’s collection. The pieces that she curates are timeless and flattering on my different body types. The idea of being able to rent pieces, whether for an event, a photoshoot or just everyday life, creates a waste-free option for finding the perfect pieces.

The Ce Cpace website is still under construction but for now you can book an appointment to visit the store and grab your own pieces on her Instagram, @cecpace.

Have you tried renting clothing? Would you give it a shot?

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Goodbye, 2020


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