My 2021 Reading List
Today we are talking about books. I’ve been watching a lot of Booktube (Book Youtubers) this year and I have a huge list of books that I want to read. My reading goal for the year is 12, one book for each month, and so I’ve narrowed down my list to the 12 books that I want to read (or have read) this year!
Book Review: Modern Romance
The first book on my list for 2019 was Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari. My friends Leah and Bridie wanted to educate me on online dating and being single so they lent me this book and I was not disappointed. Let’s just jump into the review.
Book Review: Beautiful Boy
This memoir is written by David Sheff, a journalist who’s son, his beautiful boy, becomes addicted to Meth. This rollercoaster read is not for the faint of heart, and I finished it last night so I am finally out of its clutches.