Thank you, 2019
-Originally posted on January 1, 2020-
Well, here we are, the end of another year. The end of a decade! This decade had so much to hold. As someone born in 1999, I experienced some of the most influential parts of my life in these past 10 years. I graduated junior high, and high school, started university, got my first job, had my first kiss, and tried a ton of new things. I’m doing a lot of reflecting as this decade comes to an end, but I wanted to recap my 2019. I really enjoyed doing this last year and I think it’s nice to have a consolidated recap to look back on in the future.
I kicked off the new year by celebrating with my friends from high school, all back home for the holidays. My dad and I also took in a CWHL Inferno game against China, the last one we would see before they went bankrupt. Our family also took a trip out to Bergen to visit our family friends and play some pond hockey. And of course, it wouldn’t be a year at MRU without the Crowchild Classic.
February was a huge travel month for me and I’m so grateful that I was able to do that! First, my family headed down to Arizona to celebrate my Great-Aunt and Uncle’s collective 170th birthdays (80 & 90 respectively). I hadn’t ever been to Arizona and I hadn’t seen that side of the family in a super long time. It was amazing to reconnect with all of the cousins. I fell in love with Arizona and fully intend to go back there (maybe to ASU? HMU with that scholarship tho).
In the middle of the month, I wrote my first blog post for Boring Little Girls Club. That amazing group of people really changed my world this year.
Over the reading break, I headed out to Toronto for my first solo trip! I was lucky enough to stay with my uncle and explore that amazing city. We went to a Leafs game, tried tons of different coffee shops, took the subway, went shopping, and ate amazing food. It was truly an amazing time. I also got out of the city to visit some friends in Caledon, and it was great to take a break from the busyness for a night.
March was a pretty chill month. Between taking in some Roughnecks games, school work, and pet sitting, there wasn’t much else to do. I did get to meet one of my favourite doggos to look after, even if she steals my stuff and hides it in the couch.
March was a big month for me because I quit my job. After almost a year of working at Starbucks, I chose to leave and pursue other things. It was a decision that took almost 3 months to make but I am so glad that I did. So many things were coming down the pipes that I couldn’t yet see.
20! I turned another year older on the last day of classes. Of course, we celebrated with Made by Marcus. The next day, I worked my first and last shift at my new job. Leaving there was so so necessary and I trusted myself to make that choice. It hurt my ego to quit after one day, but again, the universe was waiting to reward me. I then interviewed for the job that would end up being my summer job!
I remember two things from the month of May: spring classes and starting my new job. Those spring classes kicked my butt. But, I really didn’t mind going to my job and I started making friends with my co-workers. Also in May, Avengers Endgame was released, officially marking the end of my childhood. The Avengers really shaped the 2010 decade for me and it was sad that it came to an end.
I also got to sing Monteverdi Vespers with my Mum and some dear friends!
I went to my first high tea, sponsored by Calgary Pride, where I learned a ton about the art of drag, drag queens AND kings and so much more.
Also, the Calgary Roughnecks became the NLL Champions!! Being there for that OT win is something that I’ll never forget.
May was also the start of my season with the Junior A Mounties, doing their live social media. It was amazing to get to watch and post about lacrosse almost every week from May to August. It definitely helped me fall in love with the sport of lacrosse even more.
Of course, I can’t forget about my first freelance job! I published my first post for Follow Me Away travel. Being paid to write is something that I’ve dreamed of since I was a little kid and it happened this year!
Half way!
In June, I filmed one of my favourite videos of all time with Emmy, where we did the drive thru challenge and ordered what the person in front of us ordered.
According to my social media, I worked a lot and wrote finals. It was a pretty chill month at work with everyone anticipating the Stampede rush.
Also, I saw Jason Kenney in Inglewood… he almost got hit by a bike. Almost.
I kicked off July with fireworks to celebrate Canada Day! Adam came down to join me and we went to take in the fireworks down by the river. We froze but it was a great way to start the summer.
Of course, with July comes Stampede! That meant that work was super busy and I met tourists from all over the world. From my vantage point at the top of the Calgary Tower, I was able to watch most of the Chuckwagon races and enjoy the Stampede spirit from above.
We also threw a Stampede breakfast with Boring Little Girls Club. It was my first time being a part of something like that and it was amazing.
In July, I also interviewed for my current job, working with Linden & Co. It ended up working out perfectly because I started working with them just as the Tower faced some elevator difficulties and I was off of work for the rest of the summer.
Also in July, we took advantage of me working in tourism and checked out some Calgarian tourist destinations. My family went to Heritage Park and I got to go to the Zoo with Cassidy and her childhood best friend, Haven.
In August, we got the heck out of Calgary and headed out to San Diego. To say I loved it there would be an understatement. California is definitely my happy place. While we were there, I created a ton of content, you can find it here. I also just enjoyed being at the beach with my family and relaxing. The only seats back from SD for Adam and I were first class so we enjoyed some luxury travel.
It was a chill month, being off of work at the tower and doing a bit of work for Linden and Co.
Towards the end of the month, my friend Maheen, with who I was super close in junior high, came to Calgary from Qatar. We all got together to celebrate Rafa’s birthday (also one of our junior high friends) and had a mini-reunion.
At the end of the month, with Pride festivities in full swing, the BLGC helped Bass Bus and TD throw a Pride Block Party.
I also volunteered with New Student Orientation at MRU, reconnecting with my PR fam.
Back to reality!
The Pride Parade kicked off September, and even though it was a cold and gloomy day, the BLGC had a fantastic time. Pride is such an awesome time of year.
(Mitch Marner re-signed. V Important).
Next up was New Student Orientation, with two super packed days.
School started up again, with five classes on my plate.
Then, the BLGC supported our gal Sam, founder of DITRO, at her fifth-anniversary party at NVRLND.
Cassidy and I took a trip out to the Bowden Sun Fields for some cute photos and to take in some nature.
I wrote two blog posts for Travels with Baggage <3.
Later in the month, I got to go to Ladies Laundry, an amazing event that was organized by one of my old co-workers. I had a great time getting pampered and picking out some fabulous clothes from other people’s closets. Talk about sustainability and supporting local!
After seeing some family from Edmonton when they came down to Calgary, Cassidy and I took a trip up to Edmonton to visit her Mom and celebrate our 1-year friendaversary We had an awesome time and I got to see some family while I was there. It was a great break in the busy month.
Coffee from Dose in Revelstoke
Rocky Horror!
In October, I started the month by going to (what I consider) the best K2 speaker series of the year (if you haven’t been to one, come check them out!). The four women who spoke inspired me, motivated me, and connected with me. I’ve been so lucky to get to know them better this year.
Canadian Thanksgiving is in October and it coincided with reading week so we decided to go out to Vancouver Island to visit family. We got to see my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and my cousins in Vancouver. Then we headed over to the island to stay with my grandparents for a few days. I hadn’t been out to BC for over a year and it was so nice to be back.
At the end of the month, the BLGC went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It is one of my favourite memories of the month and I want to go every year.
November was a pretty overwhelming month, but a good one. I was feeling pretty helpless with all that was going on in the world so I wrote a post about dealing with overwhelm in the digital age, one that I’m very proud of.
I went for brunch with my PR fam. I got to meet with Emmy and catch-up on all of the things as well as start my re-brand!
At the end of the month, I was feeling the need for change so I put my hair in my hairdresser’s hands and got bangs! It was a big change but I LOVE them.
We’ve made it to the end! December was one of the best and worst months of the year.
At the beginning of the month, I headed out to LA to visit my Dad while he was there for the week. I was there for three days and it was everything I needed. We shopped, ate, and took tons of photos. The trip was the perfect pre-cursor to the life I want to live in 2020 and beyond.
Then, on the flight home, I caught the flu. I was down and out for a week, making what should have been an easy finals season a little more difficult. I had to defer an exam and miss some holiday festivities but I recovered much quicker than the doctor had said and I’m grateful for that.
Later in the month, Ella and I got to see a pre-screening of Little Women and we cried A LOT. It might be one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen.
My family arrived for the holidays on the 19th and that really kick-started the holiday festivities. I met with Emmy to finalize my new colour scheme and logo for the new year, then Dad and I went to the Roughnecks home opener to watch them raise the championship banner.
The next night we caught up with tons of family and friends and sang some great carols. The next day we continued the holiday traditions by going to see the Heebee-Jeebees Christmas concert. For Christmas Eve, we celebrated with our oldest childhood friends and re-lived our childhood Christmases by watching Santa’s Rockin’ (the Wiggles Christmas special).
We spent Christmas day with family and I celebrated by taking a three-hour nap, my present to myself.
With all of our Edmonton cousins home for the holidays, we went up to Edmonton on boxing day, but not before doing a bit of boxing day shopping in the morning. We had a great time visiting everyone in Edmonton and then headed back to Calgary the next evening.
Finally, we ended off the year by going to the Blackhawks game on New Year’s Eve.
I hope you all had an amazing year and that 2020 brings you everything you wish.