10 Things All College Freshmen Need to Know

-Originally posted on August 11, 2018-

With back to school coming up, check these tips out for the best year yet!

If you know what you want to do: go for it, and get the help you need to get there

The worst thing you can do for yourself is to take the wrong classes in your first year. Make sure to make an appointment with a guidance counselor to save you from having to repeat/ take different classes or even an extra year. Making an appointment will save you tons of time in the future!

If you don’t know, try something out and you never know what you’ll find

I took a winter semester of Open Studies, just to get some credits and experience under my belt. I went in planning to major in History and came out deciding to apply to Communications. It is really great to get a feel for classes, the school, and the teachers. You never know what you’ll end up loving!

Don’t feel like you’re behind in life, everyone goes at their own pace

Whether you decide to take a year off, two years off, or no time at all, everyone graduates at their own pace. One of your friends might be taking a diploma program or a double major. You might take 5 years to complete your degree so that you take fewer courses, or complete it in 3. Whatever you decide, it should be your decision. So don’t worry about your friend’s process, and just do you!

Live at home if you can ( and if you want to )

If you’re okay to live at home and you can, do it. Not only does it save you money for when you do move out, but it can also be reassuring to have your parents around, especially during the difficult times. It can also be so helpful to have meals cooked for you, study help, and just some connection. Not to mention some extra cash doesn’t harm anyone.

Take advantage of school run services

School run services are definitely a perk. I used my gym membership ( which came free with tuition) a ton in my last semester. I definitely missed it during the summer. Even if it isn’t free at your school, it will definitely be a better deal. As for the other services, such as medicinal or physical help, will also be cheaper. Take advantage of the cheaper services while you can 🙂

If you don’t make your best friends right away, don’t panic, it will come with time

My biggest worry about going to school was about making friends. Everyone always says they meet their best friends in college. I was expecting to meet people right off the bat. In reality, the few people I did meet didn’t progress into a friendship over the summer. That doesn’t mean that it won’t come with time. It’s important to not worry about it too much. And, you never know where you’ll find your new friends, it might not be where you expect.

What they told you in high school isn’t true, people are there to help you

I don’t know about you, but I was always told that the teachers at University would be harsh and unhelpful and not even give you the time of day. Also reading will be harder and people won’t be as helpful as they were in high school. That’s just plain lies. The teachers in University actually want you to succeed (with the odd exception). If you have small classes, the teachers will get to know you and they will help you. If you have large classes, you’ll likely have a teacher’s aid to help you. Don’t let the high school warnings spook you, they likely won’t come true.

If you think you’re on the wrong path, don’t be afraid to take steps to change it ( you’ll find it eventually )

On average, college students change their major three times. That can be a scary thing to think your path might change. But it can also be reassuring. Go for what you WANT not what you think you need to do. You’re going to find your place.

Youtube can be a great resource!

From study tips, to room decor, to move in vlogs; Youtube can be a huge help. Here are a few channels I really like!

Sareena’s Channel (studyign)- Study/ College advice

Amanda’s Channel (AmandaRachLee)- Bullet Journalling and planning

Margot’s Channel ( Margot Lee )- College vlogs and tips!

Everyone is going through the same thing as you, don’t be afraid to reach out to people to talk

It’s no secret that there is a difference between high school and university. This means that everyone is going through the same thing and will likely be feeling the way you are. You don’t have to keep it to yourself if you feel like that. Talking to a friend or counselor can really help.

Got any other advice? Leave it in the comments below! And don’t forget to share it with the college freshmen in your life!

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