How to Survive Finals Season
IT IS UPON US. Finals season. The only thing holding us back from relaxing at home next to the fire or partying at New Years’. It’s time to nip finals season in the bud and get back to enjoying the holiday season. Here’s how we’re going to do it-
5 Must-Have Supplies for College Students
It’s my first week back at school, so naturally, I needed to make another school-related blog post. Today I want to talk about my 5 top supplies that every student should have going into college. Obviously, this can be dependent on your area of study. I’m a Communications student and I’ve taken arts classes in the past so my exact supplies would be different than a science student. Still, I think these are cross-curriculum supplies. I’ll also link the ones that I have.
10 Things All College Freshmen Need to Know
With back to school coming up, check these tips out for the best year yet!