Creating a Sanctuary Space

-Originally published on August 6, 2020-

Today I want to talk about creating a sanctuary space within our own homes or living spaces to help deal with anxiety. I can’t take credit for this idea. I came across it during the Project Nightlight Wellness Challenge in March. Project Nightlight is a great local non-profit that speaks out about mental health and ending the stigma surrounding mental illness. You can visit their website here.

For the Sanctuary Space, Project Nightlight provided an IGTV video created by Outside the Shape, a local boutique. I’ll link her video here. Feel free to check out her video for more tips and inspo!

With that out of the way, let’s jump in!

what is a sanctuary space?

A Sanctuary Space is a place in your home that is just for you. Since the pandemic hit, it’s been harder to find ‘me’ time, despite rarely leaving the house. It has also been harder to separate work from relaxation. Whether you live alone, with roommates, a significant other or your family, it’s important to create a small space where you can leave everyone and everything behind for a short period of time. You can choose to keep it tech-free or make it the perfect place for binging your favourite show. The most important thing is that it is just for you and serves the purpose that you create.

how do I make a sanctuary space?

There are no rules to create your sanctuary space, but there are some things you might want to consider or keep in mind. Let’s go through the steps!

step 1: what do you want your space to be for?

It’s important to think about what you want your space to do for you. If you want a cozy spot to watch your favourite show, it might be in a different spot than somewhere that you want to meditate. Once you decide what you want from your space, you can decide where you want it!

For my space, I decided that I wanted somewhere I could go that I wouldn’t worry.

step 2: where do you want your space to be?

Now that you know how you want the space to serve you, you can decide where you want your space to be. Maybe it’s a small corner of your bedroom, underneath your desk or in the bathtub. Whatever space you choose, make sure it’s somewhere that you can easily access and enjoy spending time in. My recommendation is to keep it away from your work or stressful activities in order to create even more sanctuariness (a new word).

I chose to have my space in my bed. This was because I found myself being most anxious or worried when I was going to sleep.

step 3: set your boundaries around the space

Now that you have chosen your space, it’s important to set boundaries around the space with yourself and others. If you live alone, you just need to set your own boundaries. These can be things like what you will or won’t bring into the space, how often you want to go there, what you can do there etc. If you live with other people, it’s important to tell them that you are creating this space and set boundaries with them around the space. This can be something like “if I’m in the space, I need you to give me some space” or “if I’m in this space, please knock before you come in”. This will allow you to enjoy your space!

For my space, I set a boundary with myself that I wouldn’t think about my worries while in my bed. If I need to worry, I have to get out of bed and deal with it there.

step 4: make it cozy and make it yours

Even though it is often seen as materialistic, creating a cozy and comfy space is so important. If you don’t feel comfortable in the space or don’t want to go there, it’s a pointless exercise. Add your own touches to your space and make it somewhere that you want to go. This can include blankets or pillows, candles or incense, a bath tray or wine glass, whatever makes YOU happy.

I bought new sheets and grabbed one of my old comforters that made me feel cozy. These things made the space comfy and cozy for me and made me want to be there.

step 5: enjoy and re-evaluate if it isn’t working

Now that you have your space, it’s time to enjoy! Remember, if something isn’t working, feel free to change things around. The most important thing is that it works for you. Can’t get your worries to stop in your space? Try giving yourself a break from this and just let yourself enjoy the space to watch some TV. And remember, you might not be 100% relaxed, worry-free, creative etc. in your space. It’s okay, we’re all human. You’ve got this.

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