How to Survive Finals Season

IT IS UPON US. Finals season. The only thing holding us back from relaxing at home next to the fire or partying at New Years’. It’s time to nip finals season in the bud and get back to enjoying the holiday season. Here’s how we’re going to do it:

Make sure you sleep & eat

The most important things during finals season are eating and sleeping. Your brain needs the nutrients to function. You aren’t doing yourself a favour by not taking the time to keep yourself full, rested, and hydrated. 

Make a plan

Write down all of the dates of your finals and figure out what you’ll need to do before the exam. Often your teachers will give you some objective lists or at least some rundown of the final. Take those, and write out exactly what you are going to do before the day of the finals. Then, plan out when you’re going to get that done. That way you can relax when you aren’t studying and KNOW that you have the time. 

In terms of blocking your time, refer back to this blog post to remind yourself how best to go about this!

Use your study materials to your advantage

Make sure that you use anything that your teachers give you. They wouldn’t go through the hassle of making the materials if they weren’t valuable to you. Objective lists, finals breakdowns, practice finals, etc… These are great ways to study. 

Write out your notes again, or make flashcards

Studies show that you will better retain the information that you write down. Anything you need to memorize, write it down on paper. I always make flashcards to study terminology because it allows me to write it down and remember it in a tangible way. 

When in doubt, use a grade calculator

I always use these to reduce my stress during exams. If you put in your current grade, the grade you want, and your exam date, it will tell you what grade you need to achieve your goals. I LOVE THIS. For my exams this year, I don’t have to worry about getting 90s on my exams at all in order to get a good grade in my class (amen). However, it’s so nice to know what marks you need to do well in your classes. This doesn’t mean don’t study, it just means don’t freak out more over an exam you don’t need a crazy high mark on. Plan to study more for the exams that require really good grades and less for those that don’t. Here‘s one that I use. 

Day of Exam tips:

  • Show up to the room early

  • Eat a good breakfast

  • Get some rest the night before, cramming will not serve you as much as sleep will

  • Go to the bathroom beforehand!

  • If it stresses you out, show up early but don’t join everyone to talk about the exam. I find it throws me off my game when people talk about the exam. What you know before, you know. Don’t worry about what you don’t.

  • Do the written questions first, multiple-choice second. If you run out of time, it’s easier to guess a couple of answers than to write out your whole written response.


  • I am not my exam grade

  • I am not my final grades

  • I am not a good/loveable/kind/amazing person because of school

  • School doesn’t define me

  • Everyone graduates at their own pace

  • One failed class/exam/test does not make me a bad student

  • Failing is a First Attempt In Learning

  • I can do this

  • I will pass

  • I will graduate

  • I will be okay

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any tips in the comments section down below. Good luck!

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Thank you, 2018


Book Review: Beautiful Boy