Thank you, 2018

-originally published on January 8, 2019-

With the year coming to an end, there have been lots of questions. What was 2018? Was it long? Was it short? Did the winter olympics actually happen this year? (Answer: yes). Did I change? Was it hell? Was it happiness?

I don’t know the answers to these questions. The world was a dark place in 2018. But, I do know for myself that I was a different person in December of 2017, then I was in December of 2018. I want to look back on where I’ve been. So, as we welcome 2019 in all it’s glory, let’s take a look back at 2018 and thank it for what it has brought.

~January ~

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In January of 2018, I started my journey at Mount Royal University. I had also just started taking anxiety medication. I remember the first day that I walked on to campus, knowing that MRU was the right place for me. I can still see that day. I kicked the year off by partying with my friends on NYE and then going for drinks with my besties from high school. Later that month, we went to the Flames Superskills game and had a blast.

In January, I also went to my first lacrosse game, a decision that would shape future decisions I made in 2018.

I also fought with myself endlessly about making a Youtube Channel. On January 24th, I did something I had been wanting to do for years and posted a video to my channel. Since then, I gained 68 followers and posted 51 videos.

~ February ~

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My Mum and I kicked off February by attending a conference all about the use of Instagram. It was really informative and it was hosted at Undrcard Boxing, which set me on the course for one of my 2019 resolutions, trying boxing! Next, my Dad and I braved the -20 cold to go and watch the Flames and Hawks game at the Saddledome. The Flames won, but I still had fun.

I went to my first ever concert at a club, seeing SonReal with Jordan. It was one of the best concerts I’d ever been to. In February, I also got my first A+ in university. It was on my American History midterm (I still have it somewhere).

~March ~

In March, Adam and I filmed our very first video together, ‘my brother does my makeup’. It is still one of the most viewed videos on my channel. Then, Sophie and I attended Ladycrosse, an event hosted by the Roughnecks to teach women how to play lacrosse.

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I fell even more in love with the sport. My family and I attended the Saks Fifth Avenue Gala opening in Calgary and I got plants that I then murdered later on.

~April ~

In April, I turned 19. I held a party for myself at Hudson’s with my friends and it was.. quite the time. According to my Instagram, I also started watching Gossip Girl at this time. This is very important. I also found out that I got accepted into Public Relations at Mount Royal and that I would be studying it in the fall. I wasn’t 100% sure that it was what I wanted, but I decided to give it a try.

~ May ~

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In May, my dad turned 50. We borrowed a Porsche, and he drove it around the city. It had always been my mom’s dream to buy him a Porsche when he turned 50. But things change. Still, it was quite a cool experience.

My friends from High School graduated, and my friends and I went to the ceremony to see them off.

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I also started a new job in May at Starbucks. It’s been an amazing experience, and forced me to really take a look at what I want in life.

~June ~

In June, I was lucky enough to have one of my best friends come into my life. Emmy and I went for coffee on June 1st and we’ve been sisters ever since. She is one of the biggest blessings of 2018. A week later, we had a girls night with her friends, and it was such a great time.

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Adam also graduated Grade 9 and we all went to his grad ceremony.

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At the end of June, I introduced one of my high school friends, Meagan, to Emmy and we went for coffee. We’ve been meeting every Thursday on campus since the semester started.

~July ~

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In July, John Tavares signed with the Leafs, also a very important event. We braved the complete opposite of February’s cold to see the Stampede Parade. The following weekend, we went up to Edmonton. Along the way, we stopped at some small Alberta towns that we hadn’t seen before. It was a great trip and nice to get out of the city.

~August ~

In August, I chopped off my hair. It was super short, and I still haven’t cut it since. I remember loving it so much at the time. Sophie and I also went to EV Junction for the second time this summer and discovered local food, clothing, products and music.

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It was such a great time. I also lived away from home for 2 weeks during this month, the first time since 2017. I learned a lot about myself and enjoyed it immensely. I also interviewed to join the Roughnecks as a Brand Champion, which I would later be accepted for! At the end of August, we escaped the city to go to Waterton and Lethbridge. It was a great end to the summer and a nice break before school would begin again.

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~September ~

September started a ton of new experiences for me. I marched in the Pride Parade in Calgary for the first time with my co-workers and it was a fantastic experience. My Aunt and I also saw Chromeo, which was a fantastic show.

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We then attended the beautiful end of summer wedding for a family friend of ours at Heritage Park. At the end of the month, Emmy and I had a photoshoot in Kensington for my first brand deal. She is crazy talented.

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Also during this time, I met Cassidy. I didn’t document the first time we met but now, she is my best friend and we have all of the same classes. I am so grateful that she came into my life.

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~October ~

In October, I had my first meeting as a Roughnecks Brand Champion. We toured the Saddledome. It has been such a great experience working with them so far, and I hope to continue it for a long time to come. Also in October, Sophie and I went to the Palomino Smoke House to watch Handmade, a band that we had first seen at EV Junction. We dressed up as Sun and Moon.

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That night, we also got to hear the fantastic Thomas Thomas Band and iamthemountain. I also tried black lipstick for the first time.

~November ~

In November I performed in two major concerts in our city, both with the choir I currently sing in. On Remembrance Day, we performed The Armed Man Mass, and later in the month, we performed Beethoven’s 9th symphony. These concerts were the first time I have ever sung with an orchestra and it was a fantastic experience. My dad and I also went to the Dallas Stars game against the Flames, in which the Stars won!

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~December ~

Finals season. My friends and I aced our exams, with the last one finishing right before the Christmas break. Sophie and I tried the Clothing Bar and Nova Coffee House and were quite happy with one of the two places. I worked my first Christmas of retail and survived (only to decide I will never do it again!). We celebrated Hanukah and Christmas with my family and watched Christmas classics. I did Vlogmas for the first time and loved it. I got to see my friends I haven’t seen in ages.

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On the 28th, Cassidy, Sophie, Dom, my Dad and I went to our first Roughnecks game of the season. The Roughnecks were victorious and my dad thoroughly enjoyed his first NLL game!

With December closing out, I reflected on where I had been the year before. I had had to leave my job because of panic attacks, I thought I couldn’t go to university and that I wouldn’t make any friends. I thought that taking anxiety medication made me crazy, I thought that I’d never be able to stay away from home alone. I accomplished all of these things in 2018. I made friends, I loved university and found the right program for me. I stayed away from home and I planned a trip to go away by myself. I took my medication and still do and it works. I want to celebrate where I’ve become from where I was at the end of 2017. I never thought I could get here, but here I am.

2019… I’m ready for you. 2018… thank you.

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